Browsing Category:Examples of recent talks

Just like the movies!

by Ellen - October 22, 2024
One need not be a science fiction writer to envision the possibility of future murder rings supplying healthy organs for black-market surgeons whose patients are unwilling to wait until natural sources have supplied the heart or liver or pancreas they need.
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What do successful carreer women look like?

by Ellen - October 22, 2024
NETFLIX offers a rich source of strong female role models. Women who struggle with combining the different roles assigned to them—mother, daughter, lover, wife, friend, career woman, boss, and manager. How do these women shape themselves? What do they look like? How do they behave? Who inspires them? This interactive lecture addresses these questions.
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Do I feel lucky?

by Ellen - October 22, 2024
In this talk, I use 40 years of Clint Eastwood’s film history to show how our ideas about good and evil have evolved. The characters Eastwood portrays on the big screen have undergone a massive moral transformation since the 1960s. Once a simple gunslinger with no name, Eastwood now depicts fallible characters with moral depth.
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Lecture Bad Girls!

by Ellen - October 21, 2024
What do women on the big screen tell us about our image of women? What can we learn from these fictional female characters about real women? How is our ideal image of women influenced by films and television?
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Lecture: Imagining Bio(techno)logy: What ethicists could learn from bio art.

by admin - January 21, 2024
The “birth” of the critical bio art movement takes place in a time where the traditional bioethics is going through a crisis. A much heard complaint is that bioethics is suffering from an imagination deficit. As a reflective discipline, bioethics is not as dynamic and lively as its object of reflection.
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Lecture: Artificial Stupidity?

by admin - January 17, 2024
Why do fictional AI machines dream about being human? Or, why do we think they do? And why do men fall in love with their female robots?
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